Sunday, December 20, 2020

April and May

We decided it was time to move and get a bigger house. We listed our house on May 15th. Within 2 hours it sold and we had a full listing price offer. 

We met baby Tanner for the first time in May

Before schools got cancelled, Paige went to preschool with Jade for a day. Mid-March all schools were closed down and Paige finished out her kindergarten year at home.

Mom gave the girls colored hair since we didn't see anyone or go anywhere for almost 8 weeks

We went on mile walks with Colton during his breaks while the weather was nice

My scooter gang

Summer and Ember came to play

Social Distancing picnic at the park

We started doing more crafts and painting from home

We watched Survivor as a family and had ice cream.. just like I did with Grandpa and my siblings when I was young

Emma got shots and for 3 days she was NOT a happy girl

Bishopric meetings

I made these for my YW

Paige and Jade shared a room for 3 months before we moved into our new house

Car parade for the kids to see their teachers

Making me a bunny box


At home church... Colton blessed the sacrament for us each week while church was from home for months

I built my first lego set. Friends

We decorate with Legos

Noni's hip replacement got cancelled because of COVID and she was sad so we brightened up her day!

watching pancakes have babies

Pulled out my old Polly Pockets for the girls. They played for like 5 hours!

They camped out in the family room

Lunch and soccer at the park



Emma rolled over for the first time on Sunday May 17th 2020

Tanner and Emma. Just a few days old vs almost 5 months old

We got really into painting

We had to get rid of Bear's big hutch to sell our house

Sleepy same