Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Baby Update

We are having a girl!
We found out we are having a baby girl on October 14th. I'm going to have a daughter! I love being able to say "she" and "her" now instead of "it".

Cravings: My biggest craving lately has been... Costa Vida pork tacos with their ranch sauce and lettuce.
I also crave hot tamales candy and fruits.

Old cravings: When I was 6-15 weeks, I craved baked potatoes smothered in butter and sour cream, fries and steak.

Food Aversions: The food I used to like but now can't stand the smell of, the sight of or the taste of.... scrambled eggs. If Colton makes them in the morning for breakfast, the smell will literally wake me up and make me sick.

Baby Movements: I first felt the baby move on September 15th when I was 16 weeks laying in bed just waking up. Colton felt her move on September 26th while at his sister's house. She used to sit REALLY low and when I would lay down so he could feel her move.

Favorite part about being pregnant: Now that I'm half way done :) ... We both can feel her all the time and she moves around in there a lot. I must admit, it used to really gross me out to feel babies move in their mom's belly. I think I only felt 2-3 babies move before I got pregnant because I did not like to feel them. I can honestly say now that it is my absolute favorite thing about being pregnant. 
Baby Girl Names: For anyone who knows Colton, he has had his first daughter's name picked out since he was a teenager. Luckily for us both, I love the name too so agreeing on a name was the easiest part. We decided her middle name should be my grandma's name since she was the one who set Colton and I up on our first date.

So what will this baby girl's name be? 

Paige Carlene Walker

The Girl Who Has A Daughter,

September 2013

August 29th - September 1st: Colton's family and my brother and sister-in-law all went camping up on the Rim for a few nights. It was incredibly nice to get away from the triple-digit weather and actually get some rain. The first night we got rained out of our tent. Literally, we were sleeping on a water bed.. that is a bed.. in the water. haha! Our tent must have had a leak but thankful we were able to run over to Colton's parents and sleep in their camper. I always love camping with family so i enjoyed every minute of it.

September 2nd, 2013: Colton and I celebrated 3 years of eternal marriage! We have the best marriage :) He's my best friend. I couldn't have picked a better husband!

September 20th: My 23rd birthday. I typically am one of those "it's just another day of the year" people but I must admit this birthday was my favorite by far. Colton surprised me with breakfast in bed, the house decorated, presents, cards, etc. I went to lunch with my sister in law and nieces at Joe's Farm Grill and got a pedicure. Then, for dinner my brother, his date, my other brother, his wife, their kids, Colton, my best friend Stewart and his girlfriend Marissa all went to Firehouse and bowling. I stink at bowling!

September 21st: Colton planned out this whole trip to Out of Africa with both our families :) His parents and nephew came, my brother Cam, Sherese and their girls, my sister who I hadn't seen in months and her two kids all came. I had never been before and I must admit it was a lot of fun! It was fun exploring something new with a lot of family. :)

The Girl Who Is Spoiled,


Monday, August 12, 2013

We are having a BABY!

In case you missed the news... We are having a baby!!!

It still feels very unreal to me. Every time I would tell someone I would want to whisper it so I wouldn't jinx myself.

I guess I'll start by saying this... I am VERY grateful for the difficult road it has been to get this baby here and healthy. The last 20 months have been very difficult. My point in writing this post isn't to get people's sympathy for me or Colton. We actually don't want it. We would gladly take on this trial/blessing rather than have our siblings or loved ones have to go through it. This post is to let any other families or women out there know that they are not alone when you are given the hard task of having fertility issues. Sometimes the worst news turns out to be the greatest.

Some people might remember my post in January called "My Most Dreaded Post" where Colton and I had a miscarriage back in early 2012. From there, we decided it was time to have a baby and we would try until we got one... Well, months and months and months went by where we still had no baby. A year later, we decided to go see our OB and get things checked out. Good thing we did because we received some news no couple ever wants to hear... We had fertility issues and would need to see a specialist. A million questions, emotions, concerns, etc run through your mind in a matter of seconds when they drop the bomb on you. After we got the results, we were told we would never have children just on our own, we would always need help and we would more than likely have to do IVF treatments. At that point, I was scared and sad. What did all that mean?

Since I have the best dad out there, who works so hard, I am able to have AMAZING insurance so we decided to go with one of the top doctors in Arizona. And why not? When it was all going to be 100% covered, it's best to get the best! I called, set up the appointment and then we had to wait 10 long weeks.

Our doctor seriously changed my whole outlook on the situation. Before we met her, I was sad and cried a lot. IVF is very expensive and not even guaranteed to work the first time around. First time meeting our doctor, she hugged me and shook Colton's hand, she knew our entire cart, history and tests from memory. She told us that our numbers were not as bad as someone had previously told us and good thing she specializes in getting babies here as natural as possible. We both were retested and our numbers went UP! They were low before and did not go up to amazing numbers but they still went UP! I wanted to try to get our baby here as naturally as possible. I was scared to get multiples or get on any drugs to increase fertility. So, we decided the first couple months to just try the simplest "fertility" treatment. That was giving myself a shot in the belly that makes it so we basically knew the exact hour I was most fertile. TMI? I think not! I've been through a LOT in the last few months and so nothing is tmi to me anymore. Got questions for me? Good, ask me anything!

First month of any treatment... We got positive tests! The doctor, myself and Colton were beyond shocked but hey, these things happen. We had gone close to 15 months with no baby and on our first "fertility try", we got a baby.  The best part about our fertility office is that they literally cheered out loud when I told them we were pregnant!

Then came the scary stuff... I began to bleed a little bit very early on and immediately thought "oh no, here we go again". The office checked my levels and I found out my body basically makes none of the progesterone that it should make to keep the baby alive and healthy. I also found out I have thyroid issues that needed to be addressed right away. I got on a very expensive cream and some pills that helped with all that. Then it was 2 weeks of waiting before our first ultrasound. Here is a breakdown of the "pills" I took for almost 6 weeks: at one point, I was taking 12 pills to make my levels normal and using a cream 3 times a day. I got my blood drawn 27 times from January 1st until August 8th. Basically, I felt like a pin cushioned, old lady with my bruised arms and 10,000 pill bottles by my bed. I just want to make it clear though that none of the pills were to increase fertility. They all were to keep my baby and me healthy. I say this only because we are SUPER proud that our baby came to us naturally because people told us that would not happen. I have nothing against fertility drugs at all! I just am happy we never had to use them.

On July, 12th 2013, Colton and I got to see our baby that was only 6 weeks old. We even saw its heart beating!!!! Even though it was only the size of poppy seed and tiny, tiny, tiny ball shape. That day, and since then, my life has felt different. The trial that had kept me up for many nights, I shed many tears over, talked to a lot of people about finally had the ending I was hoping for. They told us that it was very early to see the baby's heart beat so it must be a strong little thing in there.

That's what a 6 week old baby looks like... My dad's response was the best, "it looks exactly like you did at this stage!" haha!

 7 days later we got an ultrasound and we HEARD the heart beating at 7 weeks. 136 precious beats per minute. There is no sound greater in the world then a baby's heart beating.

7 weeks and the baby still looks like... well, not a baby. haha!

Since then, everything has gone amazing! They told us things actually could not be going better. We "graduated" from our Fertility doctor on August 2nd. I'm not sure I can put into words how grateful I am to them. They gave us the outcome that people had told us we would not get on our own. We had 4 ultrasounds there and every time they were beyond excited and would just smile and cheer and point everything out like it was the first baby they had ever seen.

8 weeks. See that thing below the baby? (the grey-ish blob) That's the cord and we actually got to SEE blood pumping through it to the baby. That was a little bit weird to see but way cool.

9 weeks and the baby is head down. We got to see its arms and legs move. Excuse me, its tiny NUBS of arms and legs move. We actually got to watch it roll over too.

I can say this now, especially since I just went through it, but I actually feel sorry for those who don't have to go through what we did. In the most important weeks of a developing baby's life, we were monitored VERY closely.. I'm talking I got my blood drawn every 3 days for almost 4 weeks. I don't make enough progesterone on my own so without their close monitoring we would have had another miscarriage. Also, the reaction of our family and friends who knew what we have been going through has been priceless. People who normally aren't "emotional" people have cried. My grandma was the sweetest of them all. She does not know what we have been through but she cried and said "You will never know how happy I am for you and Colton. I had a feeling you were pregnant and I know that your baby is a very special baby." I could not agree more. Our baby feels incredibly special to us. Every test, result, hard day, months of nothing, all have been worth every single second of it the moment we saw our baby the first time. I remember looking over at Colton when we saw it and I have never seen him smiling that big before. I was already blessed with the most supportive, caring and loving husband and now there will be the three of us in my little family. Finally.

The girl who can't wait for March, 4th 2014,


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Annual Olsen California Trip

Every year for the past 15 years, my family goes to Newport Beach in California the last week in July. This year we went from Friday, July 26th - Wednesday July 31st. We always to go the same spot on beach, shop at the same places, eat the same food and go to Disneyland and let me tell you, IT. IS. AWESOME! We all look forward to a family trip together every year.


We drove to California with my parents, 2 younger brothers and my sister and her two kids. We stopped at the Outlets and ate In-N-Out. Our two "Friday traditions". Normally when we get to the hotel on Friday we just hang out and relax but this year we all went to eat pizza on the pier and play at the beach. My nephew and niece were my favorite to watch because their reactions were hilarious. Everything was "that is AMAZING!" haha!

Somehow we ended up with a third wheel for the ride over ;)

Our view for 6 hours. Following my dad!

This picture was right before a sheriff started yelling at us over his speaker, while driving, for Ryan to sit back.

He's going to be the best dad!

"Come on Erica, it's AMAZING!"

This picture is one of my favorites. Ember loves her Uncle Colton

If you have never had this pizza then you are missing out

The last picture before they were soaking wet

Not bad for an iPhone picture!

Saturday, Sunday and Monday:

We spent these days on the beach eating out regular donuts, swimming, reading, and talking to cousins. My Dad's brother and his kids were at the beach with us Saturday and Sunday. Monday our family friends all came to the beach. Our nights were spent shopping, eating Olive Garden on Sunday (which is a tradition), swimming and hanging out. 


DISNEYLAND DAY! We went to Disneyland and got hooked up by my brother's friend who dances for Disney and does interviews. We all got park hopper passes. Colton and I decided we were going to help my sister with her kids this trip and just take it easy since we go to Disneyland every couple months. Yes, we are "those" people! :) I had a blast this trip. It was nice to just explore and walk around. 

My sister and her kids, Cole and Ember

She didn't want to get off the ride.

Cole walked into the store, picked his Disney ears then went to the counter to pay for it... all on his own!

My mom, Colton and I played games and won prizes for the kids

Won this Dumbo for Ember

My mom and I won these for the kids

This is my favorite room in California Adventure! It's kind of "hidden".

The room is full of tvs and it shows different pictures and clips from movies

You can talk to Crush the Turtle

Ember and Mark


We slept in a little, ate some breakfast then headed home. I'm grateful for my family! I love our annual vacation trips together. Let the countdown for next year's vacation begin.

The Girl Who Loves Cali,


Saturday, August 3, 2013


Thursday, May 23rd - Monday, May 27th

Colton and I drove out to San Diego on Thursday, May 23rd to go to my best friend's college graduation on Sunday. We decided this trip we would do something that we have never done before... which was to bring our dog Bella along with us. We stayed in a pet friendly hotel for dirt cheap and now I wish we could bring her on every trip!


We just checked into our hotel and went for a little walk to scope out the area!

The backside of out hotel was just green hills

Our room was pretty sweet, it had a full kitchen


Friday morning I woke up super early and Colton did not. Haha! So I decided to take Bella on a "short walk" that turned into 5 miles. Then later, we went to the beach with Conger and her brother Tyler to watch them surf and just hang out. I think it was more entertaining for us to sit on the beach and watch them take surfing lessons.

She literally wanted to sniff every bush

Mmm :)

Conger and Tyler


Conger spent time with her family that got there Saturday morning so Colton and I had some time to spend together. Unfortunately, we had decided the previous day not to put sunscreen on and we were RED and not just like pink. We were "it hurts to even move" red. That meant we were staying somewhere indoors. We went and saw a double feature at a movie theater (Iron Man 3 and Fast 6), went shopping, ate some yummy food, then just went back to the hotel and played with Bella and watched t.v. There are no pictures from this day because we were both pretty miserable. Haha! 


In the morning we went to the San Diego Zoo. I had never been before and I loved it! I can't wait to go back again :) After the zoo, we headed over to the University of San Diego to watch Brittany Conger graduate from college! After dinner, we all went to eat at Cheesecake Factory with Conger's family, her boyfriend and his dad. Conger's family feels like my second family just from spending so much time together over the years at her house or basketball functions. I love them all!

This monkey followed us around the entire area

I spy with my little eye... a baby panda!

Then we went to the University of San Diego to the graduation:

Monday we drove home, which is the worst part of any vacation. We had a blast being able to be there for Conger on her graduation day! Now she's on to bigger and better things and I'm so excited for her :) I'm glad I have a friend like her in my life. Everyone needs at least one best friend like her. I was also super excited to get to spend so much quality time with my amazing husband! We love new adventures and we were excited to explore a new place together. I couldn't imagine being married to anyone else! He's the best :)

The Girl Who Hates Leaving Vacations,