Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Our Little Family Picture Update

She is becoming a very social little girl. 

She loves the park because she loves to eat dirt. 

Playing at our park

We call her "Bucket Head" because she is constantly putting buckets and baskets on her head

Paige's first splash pad adventure. She LOVED it!

Weekly buggie ride with dad and the cousins, this was Oliver's first time on a ride

Tries to climb on everything, our couch is currently turned around so no one can sit on it because this little dare devil is so speedy at climbing on it but she doesn't know how to safely get down yet.

A visit from her self-proclaimed godmother, Conger :)

That's the grandma that Paige is named after :) we go visit her and Paige "plays" the piano for her

My parent's have a big pig and she can't figure out what he is.

Her first chocolate chip cookie she made with mom!

Always reading :)

Paige and I took a roadtrip up to Flagstaff to visit my sister while Colton went to a concert with his friend. It was a last minute trip (like I decided at 4:00p to go and we were in the car half an hour later driving up there)

Dinner stop in the car on the way to Flagstaff

This girl LOVES to share with her dad. She also loves pita bread and hummus.

The Girl Who Loves Pictures,

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter Weekend

Easter Weekend

Thursday, April 2 - Colton and I had the opportunity to go to the Easter Pageant at the Mesa Temple on Thursday night and leave Paige at home with a babysitter. We didn't get to go last year because Paige was so little and we were so tired so it was such a blessing to be able to go again! We got ice cream sandwiches at Slickables on Main and then saw the pageant. Colton's favorite part of the pageant is when the little boy on crutches is healed and runs to Jesus. I don't have a specific favorite part but if I had to pick one it would probably be the loud thunder and silence in the audience just after Jesus dies on the cross.

Friday, April 3 - Friday morning, Colton and I went to the Gilbert temple for a session with my brother Cam and his wife Sherese. I try to go to the temple twice a month and I always go the first Friday or Saturday of the month whether by myself or with my sister in law Sherese. That way I know for sure I at least made it to the temple once a month. I have an inside joke with Colton that I now appreciate the temple so much more that I have a kid because it's one of the few places parents can go where kids aren't crying or making noise. I can just sit and feel the spirit and think. Attending church and listening to the lessons and talks almost becomes impossible when you have a mobile baby! So I'm thankful I live 15 minutes from two different temples.

Saturday, April 4 - Saturday morning Colton and I woke up early, woke the baby up and headed to my family picnic. It's always such a fun time to be with all my extended family! I've been in charge of the Easter egg hunt for probably 8 years now. That means filling and hiding 300 eggs at Papago Park. This year was my favorite one yet because I had my own little girl who got to participate in the hunt. I got home from the picnic and had a plan to watch conference but ended up taking a nap that was almost like a full night's sleep.. Whoops! haha! But don't worry, I've used the amazing resources the church has and have watched every single talk from all sessions.. including Women's and Priesthood session. That night we went to my brother's house with all my siblings that have kids and their spouses. While the men watched/listened to conference, us moms watched the kids run around and play. I'm grateful for a husband who so diligently watches conference and attends the Priesthood session and takes notes. He's kind of the best! :)

Sunday, April 5 - Paige woke up to her first Easter basket filled with her favorite baby cookies, a new book about Jesus, bubbles and chalk. We went to my parent's farm for our family traditional Conference Sunday "Day". We have breakfast (normally my mom makes delicious cinnamon rolls but she wasn't here this year), watch conference, play outside in between conference and then have lunch before the second session starts. I used to look forward to this day because I could be super lazy and just sit around and be fed delicious food... NOT ANYMORE! My child wants to be outside 24/7 and she's not old enough to just be let loose. She puts everything in her mouth! Gross warning... yes, even chicken poop. Being pregnant and chasing a busy 1 year old all day is definitely HARD! I basically sleep when she sleeps. Colton laughs at me because when Paige goes to bed at night (around 7:30p-8) I'm right behind her and sleep until she wakes up.

Listening to conference changes when you have a baby/toddler who is mobile. Last year for the April and October conferences, Paige wasn't so mobile so it was easier to listen and contain her. I heard bits and pieces here and there both days this time between chasing, playing and searching for Paige. I have since gone and listened to all 6 sessions of conference while she naps so I can hear every word. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE all the leaders of our church... that being said, Jeffrey R Holland is definitely my "favorite"! He gives such powerful and emotional talks that always hit home.

Because of conference and reading terrifying personal stories online, I have decided to no longer post pictures of my little girl on Instagram or Facebook. I actually went back and deleted all pictures and post about her. I'll still post them here on my blog since this is basically my journal. I know some of you are probably thinking i'm being "that crazy mom" but I want to do everything to protect my children and if a simple change can be made, I'll do it.

I am grateful for conference and the guidance and love I was given and felt because I was diligent and listened. I think of those who missed out listening or have not yet heard the words and I feel sorry those people. There is something for EVERYONE in the talks given at conference. I love my Savior and am so thankful for his sacrifice so many years ago so that I may return to His presence with my family for all eternity.

The Girl Who LOVES Easter For So Many Reasons,

Monday, April 6, 2015

Walker Family Update

We've been having so much fun as a family since our last post. Our little girl gets more fun and adventurous every day. She's about as independent as they come! But she also is incredibly lovey. She gives me at least 20 kisses and hugs a day. Colton asks me every day when he gets home from work "what was your favorite part of the day?" and my answer usually involves a kiss or hug Paige gave me. It's funny how before you have children you don't know how much love and happiness your family and life is missing. I LOVE being a mom and wouldn't trade the diapers, vomit and tantrums for anything! 

She's always making us laugh by putting stuff on her head and walking around bumping into stuff

She is fearless! Climbs in and on anything and everything

She only sleeps on dad at church :)




PHX Zoo with her cousins Brylee, Noel and Brycen

She loves the dog park!

She loves watching Care Bears with dad

I pull her around on things all day. Great workout for me!

Playing with her princess cousins Ember and Allyson

My Costco partner

Yes, she still loves to read! But not she doesn't want us to read to her, she wants to do it herself.

First movie (or 30 minutes of a movie haha!) Lilo and Stitch 

She's ready to watch the NCAA Championship game tonight. She LOVES basketball! She obviously can walk but she still likes getting in her walker because she can sit and take a rest. haha!

She is becoming a social little girl. 

The Girl Who Loves Our Independent Girl,
