Tuesday, January 22, 2019

December 2018

Disneyland girl's trip continued

BEST moment of the trip ;) wakanda forever

Making crafts for Colton's work peeps

Got a fish.. named Owlette

Family ice skating

Jade loved it... Paige did not

Heather got a new bunny... Benny

Noel and Tiff bought the girls new suits and they LOVE them

My most favorite picture :) we found her under the tree

re-did the backyard!

Gingerbread houses

Colton and Paige

Erica and Jade

Bear and Waffles babies

Colton got off work early and surprised me with flowers and treats

Paige's favorite preschool friend, Ellis

Christmas Sunday

Hiking with the Bosworth's

Jade's present to Paige

Paige's gift to Jade

Heather's new bunny

Escape room