Thursday, March 3, 2016

February 2016 Pictures

What's New With Us?
Colton: Colton hiked Camelback with his friend Mark. He also got super sick this month and it took him awhile to recover.

Me: I started CrossFit. I LOVE it! It can be intimidating going for the first time so if anyone ever wants to try it out, come with me! You get a week free.

Paige: We took her on a date to go bowling for the first time. She would clap for herself and say "I did it" every time. Her vocabulary has just exploded. When she says "thank you" after you give her something she also says "you're welcome" Trying to teach your kid to be polite is hilarious. She loves the CrossFit childcare. Every morning she asks "go, gym?" when I get her out of bed.

 Jade: Had her first baby food on 2/5, sweet potatoes and oatmeal. She's a huge fan! She started drinking bottles/formula on 2/23. She's also starting to roll around a lot.

Won't hold my hand during the movie but she'll hold my arm. I'll take it

Post nap snuggles

They play "together" so well

Falling asleep mid-play haha

Always gets stuck on her side haha

2/5 first real food. Oatmeal for breakfast, sweet potatoes for dinner. She was 4.5 months here.

this was her reaction to her first food!

Bowling at Fat Cats with our Pogo Passes

It took her a little while to warm up to it but she loved it!

She would sit down, want us to bowl it, stand up and say "I did it!"

She looks so comfy when she sleeps :)

2/6 we went to the Children's Museum in Phoenix with our friends the Holmstroms. We had a BLAST! Paige was obsessed with racing the cars down the track. 

Painting the castle 

He might have been having more fun then her here ;)

Yes, we all climbed to the top, which was 3 stories. Kill me now. haha!

Watching her current favorite movie... Tangled. She calls her "Punzel"

Crafts at the Museum

She loved the museum too.. or more like the toys we brought her.

Playing basketball at TT's house

On the days it's possible, the girls and I walk down the end of the street and stand there waiting for Colton to pull around the corner after work. Paige knows his car and she starts screaming "DRIVE WITH DADA" when she sees him

Paige at 23 Months, Jade 5 Months

Got to love a good snapchat photo.

Valentine's Day. Colton had his regular meetings but I woke up and make chocolate chip muffins... Since it's Valentine's Day it's totally acceptable to eat chocolate for breakfast. 

When you say "Paige, smile" this is what you get. haha!

Paige's Valentine's Day hair

I find Jade like this 9/10 when I go to check on her. Gives me a heart attack literally every single time.

2/14 Valentine's Day and Arizona's Birthday. Prettiest sunset to celebrate.

She's obsessed with rocks lately.

She started screaming "help mama!"

Trying to suck her thumb

She loves spinach and acorn squash

Paige is constantly giving Jade hugs. 

She loves being outside just looking around

Wearing her necklaces

Playing hide and seek. She has one hiding spot so it's really easy to find her.

Helping sister get her toy

2/20, we went on a family date to get donuts

and play at the park!

She saves the best smiles for me

First time on the "big kid" swing by herself

She makes Colton go down the slide with her. haha!

and he can't say no because look at that happy face!

The only way I can get ready without her destroying my house.

I had to stop nursing Jade :( Her first formula bottle was on 2/23

She's a bottle champ though. Holds it on her own.

Paige's new house

It has a cute kitchen inside

She makes us go inside all the time.

Picnic lunch outside

All the kids wanted Colton to read them books.

You pull out the camera and he starts saying "cheese" :)

Selfies in the playhouse

They are already practicing playing house together ;)

First little pony for Jade

Sunday dinner at the farm

Purple and pink sunsets :)

When I told her that shirt is for boys... haha!

Hiding in her one spot she plays "hide and seek" in

My smiley girl!

When you wake up from naptime grumpy. Also, my freckles are coming back.

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