Friday, February 5, 2016

January 2016

What's New With Us?
Colton: He finished up a big yearly project at work and is glad to be finished! He's started reading a new book series, which if you know Colton, he's not the biggest "reader". He also did some work for his dad this month.
Me: I feel like I never have anything "exciting" to share about myself... I have read about 8 new books this year so far? haha! I know what you are thinking... "OHHH!" ;) We also splurged and bought ourselves a Vitamix since I have a protein shake every morning for breakfast. 
Paige: Paige is talking all the time now. When I get frustrated at her or tell her no, I will say "Honey, no." and the other day I was driving in the car and said "no" on the phone and Paige started saying "honey!" hahaha! It's the cutest thing to watch. I also say "yeah, K" to a lot of questions she asks me so now when she asks me a question and wants something, she just asks and continues on to say "yeah, k". Paige had her first ear infection at the beginning of the month also. She was pretty awful for a few days and was sick with a cold so we went in and sure enough, ear infection.
 Jade: She's still just being the world's best baby. She loves to be held... mostly by me. haha! She rolled over for the first time on 1/11 from her front to her back. That's the only time she's even attempted to move. haha!

We took the girls to the snow for their first time 1/22-1/23 in Flagstaff. We went sledding. Jade stayed in the warm car sleeping and Paige cried a whole lot. It was.. eventful. 

Pie Face Paige

Jade's first dress to church

Playing with Allyson at Sunday dinner

She still loves to read

She's obsessed with dresses lately. . . and I'm the least girly girl out there so for a few weeks when she would ask to wear a dress I would tell her no because "it wasn't sunday" then I realized I need to let her be her own little person. So, about 90% of the time she is in a dress now. :)

They already have a sweet, heart melting relationship. Paige loves to "hugga" Jade many times a day

Hair on one side, no hair on the other. haha!

Sick Day = Care Bears

First time playing peek-a-boo

Before nap creeps

Begging to go "outside" all day.

Sleeping babies are the best.

We went on a triple date with our friends the Mills and Garvins to Top Golf (and I didn't take a single picture because I was having too much fun) but this little was the only one invited, and she slept most of the time.

Paige is learning not to bite... 

"Hugga sis"

Jade and Oliver, 10 days apart. :)

MLK Day hike because dad's off work!

Paige is going through this phase where she is obsessed with whisks. Good thing we have 3 of them

Hike up Spook Hill with our friends the Holmstroms

French onion dip is her first choice of snack, always

Spoiled, new book 

MLK Day duck feeding

Krazy Air date with my girl

Yes, she looks like a little boy here but she's the cutest!

We spend a good amount of time as cats on snapchat. haha

First time in the snow in Flagstaff!

She cried. A Lot.

Snow on one side of the hill....

grass at the bottom... haha!

Jade was there, I promise. She was in the warm truck sleeping

She wanted me to hold her pretty much the whole time.

Driving home from the snow both girls passed out and slept the whole time

and when we got home from the snow, we threw on shorts and got out the water table. I love Mesa winters! Shorts for everyone!

Probably my favorite picture ever of her. She's always smiling :)

She loves to give kisses... with a whole lot of tongue action 

Colton worked for his dad for over 12 hours one Saturday so we went to visit him and have lunch.

First time playing with play-doh

Helping her her Poppy clean up dried paint

First time watching Tangled, She loves "Punzel"

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