Wednesday, October 16, 2013

September 2013

August 29th - September 1st: Colton's family and my brother and sister-in-law all went camping up on the Rim for a few nights. It was incredibly nice to get away from the triple-digit weather and actually get some rain. The first night we got rained out of our tent. Literally, we were sleeping on a water bed.. that is a bed.. in the water. haha! Our tent must have had a leak but thankful we were able to run over to Colton's parents and sleep in their camper. I always love camping with family so i enjoyed every minute of it.

September 2nd, 2013: Colton and I celebrated 3 years of eternal marriage! We have the best marriage :) He's my best friend. I couldn't have picked a better husband!

September 20th: My 23rd birthday. I typically am one of those "it's just another day of the year" people but I must admit this birthday was my favorite by far. Colton surprised me with breakfast in bed, the house decorated, presents, cards, etc. I went to lunch with my sister in law and nieces at Joe's Farm Grill and got a pedicure. Then, for dinner my brother, his date, my other brother, his wife, their kids, Colton, my best friend Stewart and his girlfriend Marissa all went to Firehouse and bowling. I stink at bowling!

September 21st: Colton planned out this whole trip to Out of Africa with both our families :) His parents and nephew came, my brother Cam, Sherese and their girls, my sister who I hadn't seen in months and her two kids all came. I had never been before and I must admit it was a lot of fun! It was fun exploring something new with a lot of family. :)

The Girl Who Is Spoiled,


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