Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Baby Update

We are having a girl!
We found out we are having a baby girl on October 14th. I'm going to have a daughter! I love being able to say "she" and "her" now instead of "it".

Cravings: My biggest craving lately has been... Costa Vida pork tacos with their ranch sauce and lettuce.
I also crave hot tamales candy and fruits.

Old cravings: When I was 6-15 weeks, I craved baked potatoes smothered in butter and sour cream, fries and steak.

Food Aversions: The food I used to like but now can't stand the smell of, the sight of or the taste of.... scrambled eggs. If Colton makes them in the morning for breakfast, the smell will literally wake me up and make me sick.

Baby Movements: I first felt the baby move on September 15th when I was 16 weeks laying in bed just waking up. Colton felt her move on September 26th while at his sister's house. She used to sit REALLY low and when I would lay down so he could feel her move.

Favorite part about being pregnant: Now that I'm half way done :) ... We both can feel her all the time and she moves around in there a lot. I must admit, it used to really gross me out to feel babies move in their mom's belly. I think I only felt 2-3 babies move before I got pregnant because I did not like to feel them. I can honestly say now that it is my absolute favorite thing about being pregnant. 
Baby Girl Names: For anyone who knows Colton, he has had his first daughter's name picked out since he was a teenager. Luckily for us both, I love the name too so agreeing on a name was the easiest part. We decided her middle name should be my grandma's name since she was the one who set Colton and I up on our first date.

So what will this baby girl's name be? 

Paige Carlene Walker

The Girl Who Has A Daughter,


  1. Happy News!!!! Get ready for a fun loving, basketball playing little Girl!

  2. OH MY GOODNESS!!! A baby girl to spoil and dress up and play princess with! (Don't worry Burkley has already volunteered to be the prince. hehe) What a great name for a girl and what a fantastic ultra sound picture. Some people don't get as lucky as you missy. Congrats you two!
