What's new with us?
Colton: He's been working and keeping busy. So I decided he needed to get SPOILED on Black Friday :) He's been wanting a PS4 for a long time so I went to 4 stores to hunt one down. Wife of the year, I know ;)
Me: I've been back to working out again this month. I ran a 9:02 minute mile 9 weeks after giving birth. That might not seem fast or like a big deal, but after not working out for close to a year, that's pretty awesome to me!
Paige: She's still obsessed with the moon. We finally were able to watch a full movie together. (She has never lasted longer than 20 minutes). But she LOVES the movie Rise of the Guardians. It shows the moon a ton which I think was part of it. We started a new family tradition. We are going to watch that movie the day we put out our christmas decorations and have popcorn. This month, Paige's vocabulary has just exploded. She can say so many words now it's hard to count. My favorites: moon, airplane and smile.
Jade: Jade was blessed in church by her dad on 11/1. It was a beautiful blessing! I'm so grateful for Colton and him being able to give both our girls blessings. Jade sleeps 12 hours at night. She's a dream baby! I hope everyone is blessed to have a "Jade".
Jade's Blessing 11/1
We didn't get a picture with everyone. Most people left after the blessing and I didn't think to get a picture until later.
At the blessing from my family: My dad, my sister Heather & Chad with their kids (Cole, Ember and Brand), My sister in law Sherese and her kids (Rayleigh, Allyson and Oliver), my Grandma and Grandpa Orville, my other brother Stewart
from Colton's family: His mom and dad, his sister Tiffani & Pat with their kids (Noel, Brylee and Brycen)
We had a few family members not able to make it and of course we missed having them! It's hard picking a day when every single person can be there. Luckily we are super close to both sides of our family so we see them a lot anyways. :)
Look at Paige's big smile, she sure loves our big families!
Right before Paige grabbed Jade's face to pull her back to hug her
My beautiful family of four
Picking all the flowers
Brylee and Jade
Jade now smiles and Paige laughs when she's smiling. These girls already love each other so much!
Jade 7 weeks
Oliver just wanted to love on her... The feeling was not mutual
Yes, Paige is still obsessed with Care Bears
Our backyard got a makeover. Those trees used to be almost touching the ground and the grassy area was just dirt. It took 3 weekends of hard work to get that winter lawn to come in.
We got a porch swing.. that has the coolest feature and turns into a swinging bed!!! and some outdoor toys for the girls.
and LIGHTS! Hanging lights. We've spent many nights sitting (or laying) out after dark watching Paige play with the lights on. It's my new favorite spot.
Scrunchy face for breakfast
Shopping is just too much for her I guess :)
The face you get when you try to take her out of my bed
Paige was SO proud of herself. She snuck up on Bella and gave her a hug.
She found her baby bibs and now likes to wear them... all the time.
The view on my morning walks doesn't get much better :)
Playing at the park
Look at that happy face!
Jade smiles a TON now!
and she's getting chunky!
She saves the best smiles for her mama
Paige's Noni got her this nativity for Christmas. It has provided countless hours of playing!
With a green grass backyard, you can find us outside all the time now.
Paige learned how to play hide-and-seek :)
She has a "chore" now to help her earn money so she can pay tithing. She helps unload the dishwasher and she LOVES it! She hands me everything and I always say "thank you" to which she replies "thank you" haha! It takes a lot of "thank you"s to do the dishes.
Friday the 13th :)
Babies and Christmas lights go together so well
My girls love each other
Paige came running over saying "dada" haha!
The girls and I made a craft while Colton was at work to surprise him. Paige's foot print at 20 months and Jade's and 2 months.
She loves being cuddled in close :)
Reading at the Doctor's office
She sleeps like her mama
Apparently the new pj style is "v onsie" ;)
Happiest baby ever
My view all day when we are home
and my night view :) I love our hanging lights!
11/19 first time in a bumbo.
No, we didn't get a puppy. But I helped Colton's parents' find this cute little fluff ball
She's so tiny!
Only in Arizona can you play with a water table in late November because it's still hot enough
Sodalicious free soda for the little one on their opening day
The only outfit we had that fit her for a little while
Waking up to this face is the best start to my day!
So... our chocolate lab used to dig a ton and we've been working on it... aka shocking her... to get her to stop, just when she's finally stopping, someone else in the family started digging in our backyard...
These two have a special bond. :)
I think she's the Kung Fu Panda human version. When she wants an avocado, she can pull out some crazy stunts to get up on the counter to get it.
Love her baby smiles
We love when dada gets home from work. especially me :)
Everyone having "rest time" before nap
You don't even know how much you can love a little human until you have your own.
Jade has learned how to fake cry.. while kind of smiling.. to get attention. It's hilarious!
Happiest baby. seriously, she's awesome!
Teaching them young.. Wash those windows Paige! ;)
When you almost have the same eyes as a fake baby....
Thanksgiving Swim
We spent Thanksgiving with both our families. We went to Colton's side for "lunch" where Paige was determined to go swimming. Being the awesome parents we are, we let her. Which got all the other kids in the pool too. Whoops.
After Colton's side for Thanksgiving, we went to my parents' house. Paige didn't even make it 3 miles before passing out after being at Tiffani's house. She NEVER falls asleep in her car seat.
Thanksgiving tv watching while in the starting phase of a food coma
Getting ready for Star Wars this young Jedi is
She's already almost 11 weeks. HOW!?
Cousin Ember holding Jade on Black Friday
We set up Christmas!
Paige's Noni got her this cute nativity for her room
Dog park tree climbing.
Who doesn't love a sleeping baby!? :)
I had to get creative this year with Christmas decorating. Hence why our nativity is in the windows... out of reach of grabby toddler hands. I think it looks pretty cool up there!
11/30 - Colton had the day off work so we left Jade with our sister Tiffani to go have some fun. First time leaving my baby I might add! We wanted to spoil Paige and take her on a "mom and dad date" to Krazy Air. We went with some of our best friends too which made it even more fun. I don't think I've had that much fun acting like a kid again in a long time. We were the first and only ones in there for close to 20 minutes.
I always seem to be the one taking pictures of our fun adventures but I want my kids to remember and have proof that I was right there having fun with them. I can be the fun mom, right? ;)
Got this picture while we were jumping of our little girl helping her aunt and Noni shop. Love that little dimple she has. Right now, her eyes are BLUE and her hair has a reddish tint. We will see if they both stick around. I hope the blue eyes are here to stay!
She says "dada" every time she puts these on.
Hank and Paige. Hank reading Paige her favorite book.
They are little best friends. Who apparently like to hug for 5 minutes. I'm grateful for my friends' kids who keep mine entertained while I get to sit, relax and watch them play together.
Jade sleeps with blankets covering her face... and it freaks me out. She literally will maneuver blankets around until she's completely covered. So I always have to go dig her a breathing hole so I don't have a heart attack.
My blue eyed baby girl :)
The Girl Who Can't Believe It's DECEMBER,
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