Monday, November 23, 2015

Jade's 2 Month Appointment

2 Month Check Up:
Tuesday, November 17th - 2 months, 1 day
Weight: 11lbs 12oz
Height: 23.5 inches
Shots received: 4
Reaction to shots: Cried for about 30 seconds then fell asleep for 4.5 hours! 

2 Month Update:
Sleep schedule: Jade is sleeping through the night. Well, more like she always has. She came out sleeping 8 hours a night on her own. She now starts crying around 7:30p to nurse and be put in her bed. She puts herself to sleep which is super nice for us! She now sleeps 12 hours at night without nursing. She's kind of the perfect baby! :) We LOVE having her around. Especially Paige. My girls have a sweet connection already. Paige loves to kiss Jade on her head at least 20 times a day. She also tells her to "shhh" when she's crying. haha!
Her 5 Current Loves
1. Nursing: she nurses a ton after the sun goes down. It's like she knows she needs to stock up before her nightly hibernation haha
2. Bath time: she sits perfectly still in the bath and just barely kicks her little feet
3. Smiling: Oh boy! She LOVES to smile. One of the best parts of my day is getting her out of bed in the morning. Once she sees me, it's like 15 minutes of non-stop smiling!
4. Her sister: She loves to smile at Paige and stops crying when she sees her
5. Cooing: Jade has started "talking" to us in the last couple weeks. Between that and smiling, you can really get her going. It's precious!

Well, that's about it for us! Until next time,
The Girl Who Has ANOTHER 2 Month Old,

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