We drove to California with my parents, 2 younger brothers and my sister and her two kids. We stopped at the Outlets and ate In-N-Out. Our two "Friday traditions". Normally when we get to the hotel on Friday we just hang out and relax but this year we all went to eat pizza on the pier and play at the beach. My nephew and niece were my favorite to watch because their reactions were hilarious. Everything was "that is AMAZING!" haha!
Somehow we ended up with a third wheel for the ride over ;)
Our view for 6 hours. Following my dad!
This picture was right before a sheriff started yelling at us over his speaker, while driving, for Ryan to sit back.
He's going to be the best dad!
"Come on Erica, it's AMAZING!"
This picture is one of my favorites. Ember loves her Uncle Colton
If you have never had this pizza then you are missing out
The last picture before they were soaking wet
Not bad for an iPhone picture!
Saturday, Sunday and Monday:
We spent these days on the beach eating out regular donuts, swimming, reading, and talking to cousins. My Dad's brother and his kids were at the beach with us Saturday and Sunday. Monday our family friends all came to the beach. Our nights were spent shopping, eating Olive Garden on Sunday (which is a tradition), swimming and hanging out.
DISNEYLAND DAY! We went to Disneyland and got hooked up by my brother's friend who dances for Disney and does interviews. We all got park hopper passes. Colton and I decided we were going to help my sister with her kids this trip and just take it easy since we go to Disneyland every couple months. Yes, we are "those" people! :) I had a blast this trip. It was nice to just explore and walk around.
My sister and her kids, Cole and Ember
She didn't want to get off the ride.
Cole walked into the store, picked his Disney ears then went to the counter to pay for it... all on his own!
My mom, Colton and I played games and won prizes for the kids
Won this Dumbo for Ember
My mom and I won these for the kids
This is my favorite room in California Adventure! It's kind of "hidden".
The room is full of tvs and it shows different pictures and clips from movies
You can talk to Crush the Turtle
Ember and Mark
We slept in a little, ate some breakfast then headed home. I'm grateful for my family! I love our annual vacation trips together. Let the countdown for next year's vacation begin.
The Girl Who Loves Cali,
Sounds like another successful Cali trip!