Tuesday, July 5, 2016

June Pictures

What's New With Us?
Colton: Found out he's going back to school! He got accepted to UofA online for his MBA. Couldn't be more proud of my guy. He's the best!
Erica: I got home from 5 days at Girl's Camp with the YW in my church. I can't even begin to put into words how incredible that experience was! I also got strep for the first time in like 16 years... yeah, not fun
Paige: We had a lot of sickness in our house. Paige seemed to get everything! Poor girl.
Jade: Officially crawls on her knees now, she can pull herself up onto stuff and stand since June 2nd :) She had her second round of double ear infections this month. We are hoping she doesn't get anymore and we don't have to deal with that.

She likes to sleep on me at church

This girls sleeps through ANYTHING

I went on the 4th year adventure for girl's camp a day before everyone else, we canoed down the Salt River. It was awesome! 

Colton sent me a few pictures of the girls each day. 

He took them bowling, by himself!

I missed her first "standing up"!

Colton took the girls to a friend BBQ and they had a BLAST!

Our Ward Girl's Camp

Sleepy Sunday naps at church

Jade stands all the time now

Paige's first swim lesson :)

Sometimes, we move our mattress out into the family room and have lazy movie days when we are all sick

When you have a MASSIVE blowout in the parking lot, you get to go to Costco naked

Painting father's day cards.

Jade loves her dollhouse

Paige is constantly putting her fingers in Jade's mouth 

Father's Day weekend... I have told Colton for months I wanted our room to get painted and get new decorations/bedspread. He spent all hours of the night painting while I slept off strep... He truly is the most thoughtful and loving husband!

Our new bedset

We've been taking the girls to the temple each week as part of the summer youth program for our ward. She calls it "my temple so beautiful" and RUNS the second she's out of her seat to the visitor's center. It's adorable!

I spy with my little eye... Jade standing

We bought Paige these blocks... She literally spends an hour or two every day just stacking them.

and Jade waits around like a little shark to attack when it's at it's highest towering point

Sleepy, sweaty babies in the AZ summer

I look over while making dinner... apparently she just wanted a closer view of the tv

"Paige, smile" this is what you get :)

Running to the temple

Sometimes, your friends turn 14 years old and sometimes they love to eat at all your favorite places and sometimes... they have birthdays so you celebrate by stuffing your face with food and Sweet Tooth Fairy treats!

On Sundays, we go to my parents farm for dinner. Paige always tries to hug their cat

Their new alpaca, truffle

I had awesome purple hair for a few days... Then I remembered I'm a mom and colored it dark brown. RIP purple hair.

In-N-Out date with Mom

Poor girl, this is how she looked at me for a few days while her antibiotics kicked in for ear infections

He is the BEST dad! Paige asks me every morning "where my daddy go?"

Sick days = movie days

When I eat, regardless of when she last ate... she screams for my food and looks at me like this :)

About as girly girl as they come... 

Crescent Ward YW Swim Party

My mom's best friend Marcia is one of the most incredible people you could ever meet. She does a little preschool this summer with her grandkids and invited Paige. 

and Jade got to play with Corbin during Paige's class

Fractured my foot in two places. Super fun... haha!

When you leave her inside, she BAWLS to be let out with Paige/

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