15 Month Check Up:
Thursday, July 2nd 2015 - 15 months, 3 weeks, 1 day old
Weight: 26lbs 5oz (89%)
Height: 34 inches (100%)
Current Favorite Foods:
Corn on the Cob
Fruit Snacks
Humus and Pita bread
Least Favorite:
She literally eats
Paige Update:
1.Paige is now starting to talk more each day. A couple days ago, I went in to get her in the morning and she always waves at me and this time after waving, she threw down her paci and said "uh-oh". We've now been hearing "uh-oh" 24/7 around here and it's adorable! She will purposely do things to say it for.
2. She still loves reading! We have to buy tons of books for her because she goes through them so fast and wants more. We are now accepting any book donations ;)
3. Swimming! My girl LOVES to go swimming. We take her to the pool usually 3-4 times a week. She likes the public pools with the zero-depth entry because she can do everything herself. Any being the independent girl she is, she's all about doing things by herself.
4. Church. I'll admit, sadly, there was a good stretch for months where I would get home from battling her all 3 hours at church and just want to cry from frustration and exhaustion. I barely got to sit in sacrament, let alone hear anything. Paige just wanted to be out roaming the halls or escaping to the stand. I felt like I was getting nothing out of church for those months. I did not like coming home from church with such negative feelings. Colton and I got a plan together to help her learn to do better (and lets face it, with another baby coming in 2 months, we needed her to start doing better) and after 2-3 rough weeks in sacrament, we have now made it a month without having to take her out or her crying/screaming. I love going to church again! I can actually listen.
5. Bedtimes and naps around our house are perfect! Paige goes right down and doesn't fight us or scream and cry in her crib. Right now she's going to bed around 8pm and waking up around 7:30 and sleeps through the night. She usually takes about 3-4 hours worth of naps (sometimes 1 nap sometimes 2), depending on what our day has been like.
I LOVE being a mom! I look at my little girl and just can't believe how much love I have for her. She truly is the best thing that has happened in our marriage! We can't wait to add another one in just 2 months.
Father's Day: I decided to celebrate Father's Day "Weekend"
Friday: Colton woke up to a letter with clues telling him we were going to be going swimming and I would make his favorite meal for dinner to celebrate how much we love and appreciate him.
Saturday: Colton woke up to a letter telling him to get his shoes and because we were going for Donuts to celebrate how sweet he is.
Sunday: While I made, cinnamon roll pancakes for breakfast, Colton went on a very thought/planned out hunt for clues to find his present. I hid clues literally everywhere around the house! It took him a long time to figure it out but eventually he came to this:
Which turned out to be a mousepad for his work desk because he has been telling me for weeks now since he moved offices that he needs pictures of our family.
4th of July: We woke up and were lazy and wanted to just hang around and do nothing all day but turns out that gets boring real fast. Around 11:30 we decided to go to lunch with my brother and go swimming at Colton's parents' after. That night, we watched a movie with my brother Mark at our house and ordered Barro's pizza... no judgements! After the movie we lit off a firework to celebrate then watched a few episodes of Community. That about sums up our day. haha!
First "pig tails" for church on 5/31
Babies sharing their ice creams, nothing is more precious!
I would say she definitely enjoyed that cone.
She can officially open doors now... Ugh.
Our chocolate lab Lola and Paige are BEST friends!
June 19th, swimming at Noni and Poppy's house
Takes her baby everywhere
Helping her dad build a swing
Post shots at the doctor lay down
First fireworks show. She loved it! Clapped after each one.
Her Noni and Poppy went to the circus and brought her back this clown
Watching dad do yardwork
Feeding Bella her snacks... At least she is good at sharing, right?
Car rides are spent reading books and looking out the window
4th of July Firehouse with Uncle Mark and swimming after
7/5/2015, church with mom in her Hum dress my aunt made!
When you weigh almost as much as your 4 year old cousin, you can tackle and tickle them
Paige's Father's Day gift for her dad
She loves pancakes and fruit for breakfast
She had a little playdate with her friend Sophie Mills
and both girls were obsessed with playing the piano!
Sophie and Paige
She also had her friend Hank and his older sister Sophie over. These two hardly played together, they mostly just stood, looking at each other. haha! Hank's mom, my friend Erica, and I teach the Mia Maids together so they see each other regularly but still... just stare. haha!
Fridays we usually go visit Great Grandma Olsen who lives next door to Colton's parents.
My siblings and I used to play with the same toys my grandma still has for the little ones.
Driving home from Flagstaff for my nieces 4th birthday party.
She cries if I don't let her mop the floors too..
When it's storming outside and you want to play in your pool so bad...
The Girl Who Has a 15th Month Old and is 7 Months Pregnant,
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