Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Our Little Family Picture Update

She is becoming a very social little girl. 

She loves the park because she loves to eat dirt. 

Playing at our park

We call her "Bucket Head" because she is constantly putting buckets and baskets on her head

Paige's first splash pad adventure. She LOVED it!

Weekly buggie ride with dad and the cousins, this was Oliver's first time on a ride

Tries to climb on everything, our couch is currently turned around so no one can sit on it because this little dare devil is so speedy at climbing on it but she doesn't know how to safely get down yet.

A visit from her self-proclaimed godmother, Conger :)

That's the grandma that Paige is named after :) we go visit her and Paige "plays" the piano for her

My parent's have a big pig and she can't figure out what he is.

Her first chocolate chip cookie she made with mom!

Always reading :)

Paige and I took a roadtrip up to Flagstaff to visit my sister while Colton went to a concert with his friend. It was a last minute trip (like I decided at 4:00p to go and we were in the car half an hour later driving up there)

Dinner stop in the car on the way to Flagstaff

This girl LOVES to share with her dad. She also loves pita bread and hummus.

The Girl Who Loves Pictures,

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