Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Happy Post

I'll start out by saying this... this post is going to feel really weird to write but i'm SUPER proud of myself so I decided I had to declare it to the wonderful world of blogger.

After I graduated and got married I started to notice that a few unwanted pounds started creeping up on me. In the four years since I graduated, I gained 10 pounds. Most people I would tell would say '10 pounds is nothing' but those 10 pounds, to me, made me feel like a whale. In early February I agreed to run a 5k on May 4th with my sister. I decided then that it was time for this whale to get back into serious shape. Since the beginning of February I have lost those 10 pounds... TEN POUNDS! Seriously, go me! I've done it by just cutting down my calories, less sweets :( (which is the hardest part since I love to bake), and exercising every day. Do you know what this means for me!? I again weigh what I weighed when I graduated high school. I'm not a whale anymore guys! I'm back to being a dolphin that feels good about herself! Ok, maybe the dolphin thing was pushing it a little too far but hey, i'm REALLY excited over here! A special thanks goes out to my constant exercising companion, my dog Bella. (please, don't judge my glorious selfies which normally i'm opposed to but I had to... you can't have a post about losing weight without a picture to prove it, right?)

The Girl Who Lost 10 Pounds,


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